Definition of Dining table

1. Noun. A table at which meals are served. "A feast was spread upon the board"

Exact synonyms: Board
Specialized synonyms: Dining-room Table, Dinner Table, High Table, Refectory Table, Triclinium
Generic synonyms: Table
Derivative terms: Board, Board, Board

Definition of Dining table

1. Noun. A table, usually in a dining room, on which meals are served. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Dining Table

dining-room attendant
dining area
dining at the Y
dining car
dining companion
dining compartment
dining facilities
dining facility
dining hall
dining leaf
dining needle
dining needles
dining room
dining rooms
dining table
dining tables
diningroom furniture
diningroom set
diningroom suite

Literary usage of Dining table

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Archaeological Journal by Council, British Archaeological Association, Central Committee (1846)
"I. THE DINING-TABLE. THE object of this paper is to give a slight sketch of the economy of the dining-table during the middle ages, or to speak more exactly ..."

2. The Faith Healer: A Play in Four Acts by William Vaughn Moody (1909)
"... among other articles of furniture, a dining-table (with detachable leaves to reduce its bulk when not in use for eating purposes), an old- fashioned ..."

3. Arctic Experiences: Containing Capt. George E. Tyson's Wonderful Drift on by Euphemia Vale Blake (1874)
"Short of Coal.—How we lost our Dinner.—A saltatory Dining-table.—Sight a Scotch Whaler.—Arrival at Ivgi- tut, South Greenland.—Meet the For, of Arctic Fame. ..."

4. Space and the Architect: Lessons in Architecture 2 by Herman Hertzberger (2000)
"... found many times in his work and used by him in his own house in the Rue Nungesser et Colli as a dining table, can be regarded as a new'mechanism'. ..."

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